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Good thermal conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics

點擊次數:   更新時間:2020-09-16 17:30:09   分    享:
Silicon carbide ceramics have been widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, microelectronics, automobile, aerospace, aviation, papermaking, laser, mining, atomic energy and other industrial fields. Here for you to introduce the good thermal conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics.
The excellent thermal conductivity of silicon carbide ceramics is closely related to its unique structure. SiC is a compound with strong covalent bond, and the ionic property of Si-C bond in SiC is only about 12%. Therefore, SiC has high strength, high elastic modulus and excellent wear resistance. Pure SiC will not be eroded by HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and HF acid solutions and NaOH solutions. When heated in air, it is easy to oxidize, but the SiO2 formed on the surface will inhibit the further diffusion of oxygen, so the oxidation rate is not high. In terms of electrical properties, SiC is semiconductor, and the introduction of a small amount of impurities will show good conductivity. In addition, SiC has excellent thermal conductivity.

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